

This module contains methods to calculate deuteration levels from different spectra.


impulse_approx() Calculate the deuteration levels from INS spectra with the Impulse Approximation
peaks_mapbi3() Estimates CH$_3$NH$_3$PbI$_3$ deuteration by integrating the INS disrotatory peaks

  2# Description
  4This module contains methods to calculate deuteration levels from different spectra.
  7# Index
  9| | |
 10| --- | --- |
 11| `impulse_approx()` | Calculate the deuteration levels from INS spectra with the Impulse Approximation |
 12| `peaks_mapbi3()`   | Estimates CH$_3$NH$_3$PbI$_3$ deuteration by integrating the INS disrotatory peaks |
 18from copy import deepcopy
 19import aton.alias as alias
 20from .classes import Spectra, Material
 21from .fit import area_under_peak, ratio_areas, plateau
 22import numpy as np
 25def impulse_approx(
 26        ins: Spectra,
 27        material_H: Material,
 28        material_D: Material,
 29        threshold: float=600,
 30        H_df_index: int=0,
 31        D_df_index: int=1,
 32    ) -> tuple:
 33    """Calculate the deuteration levels from INS spectra
 34    with the *Impulse Approximation*, see
 35    [Andreani et al., Advances in Physics 66, 1–73 (2017)](
 37    Protonated and deuterated materials must be specified
 38    as `aton.spectra.classes.Material` objects.
 39    Note that this approximation is very sensitive to the mass sample.
 40    The threshold controls the start of the plateau (in meV)
 41    to start considering Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering (DINS).
 42    The protonated and deuterated dataframe indexes are specified
 43    by `H_df_index` and `D_df_index`, respectively.
 45    In this approximation, the ideal ratio between
 46    the cross-sections and the experimental ratio between
 47    the pleteaus at high energies should be the same:
 48    $$
 49    \\frac{\\text{plateau_D}}{\\text{plateau_H}} \\approx \\frac{\\text{cross_section_D}}{\\text{cross_section_H}}
 50    $$
 51    Taking this into account, the deuteration is estimated as:
 52    $$
 53    \\text{Deuteration} = \\frac{1-\\text{real_ratio}}{1-\\text{ideal_ratio}}
 54    $$
 55    """
 56    ins = deepcopy(ins)
 57    material_H = deepcopy(material_H)
 58    material_D = deepcopy(material_D)
 59    material_H_grams = 1.0 if material_H.grams is None else material_H.grams
 60    material_H.grams = material_H_grams
 61    material_H.set()
 62    material_D_grams = 1.0 if material_D.grams is None else material_D.grams
 63    material_D.grams = material_D_grams
 64    material_D.set()
 66    material_H.print()
 67    material_D.print()
 69    # Make sure units are in meV
 70    units_in = ins.units
 71    if units_in not in alias.units['meV']:
 72        ins.set_units('meV', units_in)
 74    # Divide the y values of the dataframes by the mols of the material.
 75    ins.dfs[H_df_index][ins.dfs[H_df_index].columns[1]] = ins.dfs[H_df_index][ins.dfs[H_df_index].columns[1]]
 76    ins.dfs[D_df_index][ins.dfs[D_df_index].columns[1]] = ins.dfs[D_df_index][ins.dfs[D_df_index].columns[1]]
 78    plateau_H, plateau_H_error = plateau(ins, [threshold, None], H_df_index)
 79    plateau_D, plateau_D_error = plateau(ins, [threshold, None], D_df_index)
 81    plateau_H_normalized = plateau_H / material_H.mols
 82    plateau_H_normalized_error = plateau_H_normalized * np.sqrt((plateau_H_error / plateau_H)**2 + (material_H.mols_error / material_H.mols)**2)
 83    plateau_D_normalized = plateau_D / material_D.mols
 84    plateau_D_normalized_error = plateau_D_normalized * np.sqrt((plateau_D_error / plateau_D)**2 + (material_D.mols_error / material_D.mols)**2)
 86    # ratio if fully protonated = 1.0
 87    ratio = plateau_D_normalized / plateau_H_normalized  # ratio_ideal < ratio < 1.0
 88    ratio_ideal = material_D.cross_section / material_H.cross_section  # 0.0 < ratio_ideal < 1.0
 90    ratio_error = abs(ratio * np.sqrt((plateau_H_normalized_error / plateau_H_normalized)**2 + (plateau_D_normalized_error / plateau_D_normalized)**2))
 92    deuteration = (1 - ratio) / (1 - ratio_ideal)
 93    deuteration_error = abs(deuteration * np.sqrt((ratio_error / ratio)**2))
 95    print(f'Normalized plateau H:      {plateau_H_normalized} +- {plateau_H_normalized_error}')
 96    print(f'Normalized plateau D:      {plateau_D_normalized} +- {plateau_D_normalized_error}')
 97    print(f'Ratio D/H plateaus:        {ratio} +- {ratio_error}')
 98    print(f'Ratio D/H cross sections:  {ratio_ideal}')
100    print(f"\nDeuteration: {deuteration:.2f} +- {deuteration_error:.2f}\n")
101    return round(deuteration,2), round(deuteration_error,2)
104def peaks_mapbi3(
105        ins:Spectra,
106        peaks:dict,
107        df_index:int=0,
108    ) -> str:
109    """Estimates CH$_3$NH$_3$PbI$_3$ deuteration by integrating the INS disrotatory peaks.
111    The INS disrotatory peaks of CH3NH3 appear at ~38 meV for the fully protonated sample.
112    Note that `peaks` must be a dictionary with the peak limits
113    and the baseline, as in the example below:
114    ```python
115    peaks = {
116        'baseline' : None,
117        'baseline_error' : None,
118        'h6d0' : [41, 43],
119        'h5d1' : [41, 43],
120        'h4d2' : [41, 43],
121        'h3d3' : [34.7, 37.3],
122        'h2d4' : [31.0, 33.0],
123        'h1d5' : [28.0, 30.5],
124        'h0d6' : [26.5, 28.0],
125        }
126    ```
127    Peak keywords required for selective deuteration (only C or only N):
128    `h6d0`, `h5d1`, `h4d2`, `h3d3`.
130    Additional peak keywords required for total deuteration:
131    `h2d4`, `h1d5`, `h0d6`.
133    If some peak is not present in your sample,
134    just set the limits to a small baseline plateau.
135    """
137    peak_data = deepcopy(ins)
139    baseline = 0.0
140    baseline_error = 0.0
141    if 'baseline' in peaks.keys():
142        if peaks['baseline'] is not None:
143            baseline = peaks['baseline']
144    if 'baseline_error' in peaks.keys():
145        if peaks['baseline_error'] is not None:
146            baseline_error = peaks['baseline_error']
148    run_partial = True
149    run_total = True
151    h6d0_limits = None
152    h5d1_limits = None
153    h4d2_limits = None
154    h3d3_limits = None
155    h2d4_limits = None
156    h1d5_limits = None
157    h0d6_limits = None
159    if 'h6d0' in peaks:
160        h6d0_limits = peaks['h6d0']
161    if 'h5d1' in peaks:
162        h5d1_limits = peaks['h5d1']
163    if 'h4d2' in peaks:
164        h4d2_limits = peaks['h4d2']
165    if 'h3d3' in peaks:
166        h3d3_limits = peaks['h3d3']
167    if 'h2d4' in peaks:
168        h2d4_limits = peaks['h2d4']
169    if 'h1d5' in peaks:
170        h1d5_limits = peaks['h1d5']
171    if 'h0d6' in peaks:
172        h0d6_limits = peaks['h0d6']
174    if h0d6_limits is None or h1d5_limits is None or h2d4_limits is None or h3d3_limits is None:
175        run_total = False
176    if h6d0_limits is None or h5d1_limits is None or h4d2_limits is None or h3d3_limits is None:
177        run_partial = False
179    if not run_partial:
180        raise ValueError('No peaks to integrate. Remember to assign peak limits as a dictionary with the keys: h6d0, h5d1, h4d2, h3d3, h2d4, h1d5, h0d6.')
182    h6d0_area, h6d0_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h6d0_limits[0], h6d0_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
183    h5d1_area, h5d1_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h5d1_limits[0], h5d1_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
184    h4d2_area, h4d2_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h4d2_limits[0], h4d2_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
185    h3d3_area, h3d3_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h3d3_limits[0], h3d3_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
186    h6d0_area /= 6
187    h5d1_area /= 5
188    h4d2_area /= 4
189    h3d3_area /= 3
190    h6d0_area_error /= 6
191    h5d1_area_error /= 5
192    h4d2_area_error /= 4
193    h3d3_area_error /= 3
195    if not run_total:
196        total_area = h6d0_area + h5d1_area + h4d2_area + h3d3_area
197        total_area_error = np.sqrt(h6d0_area_error**2 + h5d1_area_error**2 + h4d2_area_error**2 + h3d3_area_error**2)
199        h6d0_ratio, h6d0_error = ratio_areas(h6d0_area, total_area, h6d0_area_error, total_area_error)
200        h5d1_ratio, h5d1_error = ratio_areas(h5d1_area, total_area, h5d1_area_error, total_area_error)
201        h4d2_ratio, h4d2_error = ratio_areas(h4d2_area, total_area, h4d2_area_error, total_area_error)
202        h3d3_ratio, h3d3_error = ratio_areas(h3d3_area, total_area, h3d3_area_error, total_area_error)
204        deuteration = 0 * h6d0_ratio + (1/3) * h5d1_ratio + (2/3) * h4d2_ratio + 1 * h3d3_ratio
205        protonation = 1 * h6d0_ratio + (2/3) * h5d1_ratio + (1/3) * h4d2_ratio + 0 * h3d3_ratio
207        deuteration_error = np.sqrt((1/3 * h5d1_error)**2 + (2/3 * h4d2_error)**2 + (1 * h3d3_error)**2)
208        protonation_error = np.sqrt((1 * h6d0_error)**2 + (2/3 * h5d1_error)**2 + (1/3 * h4d2_error)**2)
210    if run_total:
211        h2d4_area, h2d4_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h2d4_limits[0], h2d4_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
212        h1d5_area, h1d5_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h1d5_limits[0], h1d5_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
213        h0d6_area, h0d6_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h0d6_limits[0], h0d6_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
214        h2d4_area /= 2
215        h1d5_area /= 1
216        h0d6_area /= 1
217        h2d4_area_error /= 2
218        h1d5_area_error /= 1
219        h0d6_area_error /= 1
221        total_area_CDND = h6d0_area + h5d1_area + h4d2_area + h3d3_area + h2d4_area + h1d5_area + h0d6_area
222        total_area_error_CDND = np.sqrt(h6d0_area_error**2 + h5d1_area_error**2 + h4d2_area_error**2 + h3d3_area_error**2 + h2d4_area_error**2 + h1d5_area_error**2 + h0d6_area_error**2)
224        h6d0_ratio_CDND, h6d0_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h6d0_area, total_area_CDND, h6d0_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
225        h5d1_ratio_CDND, h5d1_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h5d1_area, total_area_CDND, h5d1_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
226        h4d2_ratio_CDND, h4d2_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h4d2_area, total_area_CDND, h4d2_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
227        h3d3_ratio_CDND, h3d3_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h3d3_area, total_area_CDND, h3d3_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
228        h2d4_ratio_CDND, h2d4_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h2d4_area, total_area_CDND, h2d4_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
229        h1d5_ratio_CDND, h1d5_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h1d5_area, total_area_CDND, h1d5_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
230        h0d6_ratio_CDND, h0d6_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h0d6_area, total_area_CDND, h0d6_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
232        deuteration_CDND = 0 * h6d0_ratio_CDND + (1/6) * h5d1_ratio_CDND + (2/6) * h4d2_ratio_CDND + (3/6) * h3d3_ratio_CDND + (4/6) * h2d4_ratio_CDND + (5/6) * h1d5_ratio_CDND + 1 * h0d6_ratio_CDND
233        deuteration_CDND_error = np.sqrt((1/6 * h5d1_error_CDND)**2 + (2/6 * h4d2_error_CDND)**2 + (3/6 * h3d3_error_CDND)**2 + (4/6 * h2d4_error_CDND)**2 + (5/6 * h1d5_error_CDND)**2 + (1 * h0d6_error_CDND)**2)
235        protonation_CDND = 1 * h6d0_ratio_CDND + (5/6) * h5d1_ratio_CDND + (4/6) * h4d2_ratio_CDND + (3/6) * h3d3_ratio_CDND + (2/6) * h2d4_ratio_CDND + (1/6) * h1d5_ratio_CDND + 0 * h0d6_ratio_CDND
236        protonation_CDND_error = np.sqrt((1 * h6d0_error_CDND)**2 + (5/6 * h5d1_error_CDND)**2 + (4/6 * h4d2_error_CDND)**2 + (3/6 * h3d3_error_CDND)**2 + (2/6 * h2d4_error_CDND)**2 + (1/6 * h1d5_error_CDND)**2)
238        deuteration_CDND_amine = 0 * h3d3_ratio_CDND + (1/3) * h2d4_ratio_CDND + (2/3) * h1d5_ratio_CDND + 1 * h0d6_ratio_CDND
239        deuteration_CDND_amine_error = np.sqrt((1/3 * h2d4_error_CDND)**2 + (2/3 * h1d5_error_CDND)**2 + (1 * h0d6_error_CDND)**2)
241        protonation_CDND_amine = 1 * h3d3_ratio_CDND + (2/3) * h2d4_ratio_CDND + (1/3) * h1d5_ratio_CDND + 0 * h0d6_ratio_CDND
242        protonation_CDND_amine_error = np.sqrt((1 * h3d3_error_CDND)**2 + (2/3 * h2d4_error_CDND)**2 + (1/3 * h1d5_error_CDND)**2)
244    print()
245    if hasattr(ins, "plotting") and ins.plotting.legend != None:
246        print(f'Sample:  {ins.plotting.legend[df_index]}')
247    else:
248        print(f'Sample:  {ins.files[df_index]}')
249    print(f'Corrected baseline: {round(baseline,2)} +- {round(baseline_error,2)}')
250    if not run_total:
251        print(f"HHH {h6d0_limits}:  {round(h6d0_ratio,2)}  +-  {round(h6d0_error,2)}")
252        print(f"DHH {h5d1_limits}:  {round(h5d1_ratio,2)}  +-  {round(h5d1_error,2)}")
253        print(f"DDH {h4d2_limits}:  {round(h4d2_ratio,2)}  +-  {round(h4d2_error,2)}")
254        print(f"DDD {h3d3_limits}:  {round(h3d3_ratio,2)}  +-  {round(h3d3_error,2)}")
255        print(f"Amine deuteration:  {round(deuteration,2)}  +-  {round(deuteration_error,2)}")
256        print(f"Amine protonation:  {round(protonation,2)}  +-  {round(protonation_error,2)}")
257        print()
258        return f"{deuteration:.2f} +- {deuteration_error:.2f}"
259    else:
260        print(f"HHH-HHH {h6d0_limits}:  {round(h6d0_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h6d0_error_CDND,2)}")
261        print(f"DHH-HHH {h5d1_limits}:  {round(h5d1_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h5d1_error_CDND,2)}")
262        print(f"DDH-HHH {h4d2_limits}:  {round(h4d2_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h4d2_error_CDND,2)}")
263        print(f"DDD-HHH {h3d3_limits}:  {round(h3d3_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h3d3_error_CDND,2)}")
264        print(f"DDD-DHH {h2d4_limits}:  {round(h2d4_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h2d4_error_CDND,2)}")
265        print(f"DDD-DDH {h1d5_limits}:  {round(h1d5_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h1d5_error_CDND,2)}")
266        print(f"DDD-DDD {h0d6_limits}:  {round(h0d6_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h0d6_error_CDND,2)}")
267        print(f"Total deuteration:  {round(deuteration_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(deuteration_CDND_error,2)}")
268        print(f"Total protonation:  {round(protonation_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(protonation_CDND_error,2)}")
269        print(f"Amine deuteration:  {round(deuteration_CDND_amine,2)}  +-  {round(deuteration_CDND_amine_error,2)}")
270        print(f"Amine protonation:  {round(protonation_CDND_amine,2)}  +-  {round(protonation_CDND_amine_error,2)}")
271        print()
272        return f"{deuteration_CDND_amine:.2f} +- {deuteration_CDND_amine_error:.2f} / {deuteration_CDND:.2f} +- {deuteration_CDND_error:.2f}"
def impulse_approx( ins: aton.spx.classes.Spectra, material_H: aton.spx.classes.Material, material_D: aton.spx.classes.Material, threshold: float = 600, H_df_index: int = 0, D_df_index: int = 1) -> tuple:
 26def impulse_approx(
 27        ins: Spectra,
 28        material_H: Material,
 29        material_D: Material,
 30        threshold: float=600,
 31        H_df_index: int=0,
 32        D_df_index: int=1,
 33    ) -> tuple:
 34    """Calculate the deuteration levels from INS spectra
 35    with the *Impulse Approximation*, see
 36    [Andreani et al., Advances in Physics 66, 1–73 (2017)](
 38    Protonated and deuterated materials must be specified
 39    as `aton.spectra.classes.Material` objects.
 40    Note that this approximation is very sensitive to the mass sample.
 41    The threshold controls the start of the plateau (in meV)
 42    to start considering Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering (DINS).
 43    The protonated and deuterated dataframe indexes are specified
 44    by `H_df_index` and `D_df_index`, respectively.
 46    In this approximation, the ideal ratio between
 47    the cross-sections and the experimental ratio between
 48    the pleteaus at high energies should be the same:
 49    $$
 50    \\frac{\\text{plateau_D}}{\\text{plateau_H}} \\approx \\frac{\\text{cross_section_D}}{\\text{cross_section_H}}
 51    $$
 52    Taking this into account, the deuteration is estimated as:
 53    $$
 54    \\text{Deuteration} = \\frac{1-\\text{real_ratio}}{1-\\text{ideal_ratio}}
 55    $$
 56    """
 57    ins = deepcopy(ins)
 58    material_H = deepcopy(material_H)
 59    material_D = deepcopy(material_D)
 60    material_H_grams = 1.0 if material_H.grams is None else material_H.grams
 61    material_H.grams = material_H_grams
 62    material_H.set()
 63    material_D_grams = 1.0 if material_D.grams is None else material_D.grams
 64    material_D.grams = material_D_grams
 65    material_D.set()
 67    material_H.print()
 68    material_D.print()
 70    # Make sure units are in meV
 71    units_in = ins.units
 72    if units_in not in alias.units['meV']:
 73        ins.set_units('meV', units_in)
 75    # Divide the y values of the dataframes by the mols of the material.
 76    ins.dfs[H_df_index][ins.dfs[H_df_index].columns[1]] = ins.dfs[H_df_index][ins.dfs[H_df_index].columns[1]]
 77    ins.dfs[D_df_index][ins.dfs[D_df_index].columns[1]] = ins.dfs[D_df_index][ins.dfs[D_df_index].columns[1]]
 79    plateau_H, plateau_H_error = plateau(ins, [threshold, None], H_df_index)
 80    plateau_D, plateau_D_error = plateau(ins, [threshold, None], D_df_index)
 82    plateau_H_normalized = plateau_H / material_H.mols
 83    plateau_H_normalized_error = plateau_H_normalized * np.sqrt((plateau_H_error / plateau_H)**2 + (material_H.mols_error / material_H.mols)**2)
 84    plateau_D_normalized = plateau_D / material_D.mols
 85    plateau_D_normalized_error = plateau_D_normalized * np.sqrt((plateau_D_error / plateau_D)**2 + (material_D.mols_error / material_D.mols)**2)
 87    # ratio if fully protonated = 1.0
 88    ratio = plateau_D_normalized / plateau_H_normalized  # ratio_ideal < ratio < 1.0
 89    ratio_ideal = material_D.cross_section / material_H.cross_section  # 0.0 < ratio_ideal < 1.0
 91    ratio_error = abs(ratio * np.sqrt((plateau_H_normalized_error / plateau_H_normalized)**2 + (plateau_D_normalized_error / plateau_D_normalized)**2))
 93    deuteration = (1 - ratio) / (1 - ratio_ideal)
 94    deuteration_error = abs(deuteration * np.sqrt((ratio_error / ratio)**2))
 96    print(f'Normalized plateau H:      {plateau_H_normalized} +- {plateau_H_normalized_error}')
 97    print(f'Normalized plateau D:      {plateau_D_normalized} +- {plateau_D_normalized_error}')
 98    print(f'Ratio D/H plateaus:        {ratio} +- {ratio_error}')
 99    print(f'Ratio D/H cross sections:  {ratio_ideal}')
101    print(f"\nDeuteration: {deuteration:.2f} +- {deuteration_error:.2f}\n")
102    return round(deuteration,2), round(deuteration_error,2)

Calculate the deuteration levels from INS spectra with the Impulse Approximation, see Andreani et al., Advances in Physics 66, 1–73 (2017).

Protonated and deuterated materials must be specified as aton.spectra.classes.Material objects. Note that this approximation is very sensitive to the mass sample. The threshold controls the start of the plateau (in meV) to start considering Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering (DINS). The protonated and deuterated dataframe indexes are specified by H_df_index and D_df_index, respectively.

In this approximation, the ideal ratio between the cross-sections and the experimental ratio between the pleteaus at high energies should be the same: $$ \frac{\text{plateau_D}}{\text{plateau_H}} \approx \frac{\text{cross_section_D}}{\text{cross_section_H}} $$ Taking this into account, the deuteration is estimated as: $$ \text{Deuteration} = \frac{1-\text{real_ratio}}{1-\text{ideal_ratio}} $$

def peaks_mapbi3(ins: aton.spx.classes.Spectra, peaks: dict, df_index: int = 0) -> str:
105def peaks_mapbi3(
106        ins:Spectra,
107        peaks:dict,
108        df_index:int=0,
109    ) -> str:
110    """Estimates CH$_3$NH$_3$PbI$_3$ deuteration by integrating the INS disrotatory peaks.
112    The INS disrotatory peaks of CH3NH3 appear at ~38 meV for the fully protonated sample.
113    Note that `peaks` must be a dictionary with the peak limits
114    and the baseline, as in the example below:
115    ```python
116    peaks = {
117        'baseline' : None,
118        'baseline_error' : None,
119        'h6d0' : [41, 43],
120        'h5d1' : [41, 43],
121        'h4d2' : [41, 43],
122        'h3d3' : [34.7, 37.3],
123        'h2d4' : [31.0, 33.0],
124        'h1d5' : [28.0, 30.5],
125        'h0d6' : [26.5, 28.0],
126        }
127    ```
128    Peak keywords required for selective deuteration (only C or only N):
129    `h6d0`, `h5d1`, `h4d2`, `h3d3`.
131    Additional peak keywords required for total deuteration:
132    `h2d4`, `h1d5`, `h0d6`.
134    If some peak is not present in your sample,
135    just set the limits to a small baseline plateau.
136    """
138    peak_data = deepcopy(ins)
140    baseline = 0.0
141    baseline_error = 0.0
142    if 'baseline' in peaks.keys():
143        if peaks['baseline'] is not None:
144            baseline = peaks['baseline']
145    if 'baseline_error' in peaks.keys():
146        if peaks['baseline_error'] is not None:
147            baseline_error = peaks['baseline_error']
149    run_partial = True
150    run_total = True
152    h6d0_limits = None
153    h5d1_limits = None
154    h4d2_limits = None
155    h3d3_limits = None
156    h2d4_limits = None
157    h1d5_limits = None
158    h0d6_limits = None
160    if 'h6d0' in peaks:
161        h6d0_limits = peaks['h6d0']
162    if 'h5d1' in peaks:
163        h5d1_limits = peaks['h5d1']
164    if 'h4d2' in peaks:
165        h4d2_limits = peaks['h4d2']
166    if 'h3d3' in peaks:
167        h3d3_limits = peaks['h3d3']
168    if 'h2d4' in peaks:
169        h2d4_limits = peaks['h2d4']
170    if 'h1d5' in peaks:
171        h1d5_limits = peaks['h1d5']
172    if 'h0d6' in peaks:
173        h0d6_limits = peaks['h0d6']
175    if h0d6_limits is None or h1d5_limits is None or h2d4_limits is None or h3d3_limits is None:
176        run_total = False
177    if h6d0_limits is None or h5d1_limits is None or h4d2_limits is None or h3d3_limits is None:
178        run_partial = False
180    if not run_partial:
181        raise ValueError('No peaks to integrate. Remember to assign peak limits as a dictionary with the keys: h6d0, h5d1, h4d2, h3d3, h2d4, h1d5, h0d6.')
183    h6d0_area, h6d0_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h6d0_limits[0], h6d0_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
184    h5d1_area, h5d1_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h5d1_limits[0], h5d1_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
185    h4d2_area, h4d2_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h4d2_limits[0], h4d2_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
186    h3d3_area, h3d3_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h3d3_limits[0], h3d3_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
187    h6d0_area /= 6
188    h5d1_area /= 5
189    h4d2_area /= 4
190    h3d3_area /= 3
191    h6d0_area_error /= 6
192    h5d1_area_error /= 5
193    h4d2_area_error /= 4
194    h3d3_area_error /= 3
196    if not run_total:
197        total_area = h6d0_area + h5d1_area + h4d2_area + h3d3_area
198        total_area_error = np.sqrt(h6d0_area_error**2 + h5d1_area_error**2 + h4d2_area_error**2 + h3d3_area_error**2)
200        h6d0_ratio, h6d0_error = ratio_areas(h6d0_area, total_area, h6d0_area_error, total_area_error)
201        h5d1_ratio, h5d1_error = ratio_areas(h5d1_area, total_area, h5d1_area_error, total_area_error)
202        h4d2_ratio, h4d2_error = ratio_areas(h4d2_area, total_area, h4d2_area_error, total_area_error)
203        h3d3_ratio, h3d3_error = ratio_areas(h3d3_area, total_area, h3d3_area_error, total_area_error)
205        deuteration = 0 * h6d0_ratio + (1/3) * h5d1_ratio + (2/3) * h4d2_ratio + 1 * h3d3_ratio
206        protonation = 1 * h6d0_ratio + (2/3) * h5d1_ratio + (1/3) * h4d2_ratio + 0 * h3d3_ratio
208        deuteration_error = np.sqrt((1/3 * h5d1_error)**2 + (2/3 * h4d2_error)**2 + (1 * h3d3_error)**2)
209        protonation_error = np.sqrt((1 * h6d0_error)**2 + (2/3 * h5d1_error)**2 + (1/3 * h4d2_error)**2)
211    if run_total:
212        h2d4_area, h2d4_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h2d4_limits[0], h2d4_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
213        h1d5_area, h1d5_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h1d5_limits[0], h1d5_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
214        h0d6_area, h0d6_area_error = area_under_peak(peak_data, [h0d6_limits[0], h0d6_limits[1], baseline, baseline_error], df_index, True)
215        h2d4_area /= 2
216        h1d5_area /= 1
217        h0d6_area /= 1
218        h2d4_area_error /= 2
219        h1d5_area_error /= 1
220        h0d6_area_error /= 1
222        total_area_CDND = h6d0_area + h5d1_area + h4d2_area + h3d3_area + h2d4_area + h1d5_area + h0d6_area
223        total_area_error_CDND = np.sqrt(h6d0_area_error**2 + h5d1_area_error**2 + h4d2_area_error**2 + h3d3_area_error**2 + h2d4_area_error**2 + h1d5_area_error**2 + h0d6_area_error**2)
225        h6d0_ratio_CDND, h6d0_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h6d0_area, total_area_CDND, h6d0_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
226        h5d1_ratio_CDND, h5d1_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h5d1_area, total_area_CDND, h5d1_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
227        h4d2_ratio_CDND, h4d2_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h4d2_area, total_area_CDND, h4d2_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
228        h3d3_ratio_CDND, h3d3_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h3d3_area, total_area_CDND, h3d3_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
229        h2d4_ratio_CDND, h2d4_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h2d4_area, total_area_CDND, h2d4_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
230        h1d5_ratio_CDND, h1d5_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h1d5_area, total_area_CDND, h1d5_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
231        h0d6_ratio_CDND, h0d6_error_CDND = ratio_areas(h0d6_area, total_area_CDND, h0d6_area_error, total_area_error_CDND)
233        deuteration_CDND = 0 * h6d0_ratio_CDND + (1/6) * h5d1_ratio_CDND + (2/6) * h4d2_ratio_CDND + (3/6) * h3d3_ratio_CDND + (4/6) * h2d4_ratio_CDND + (5/6) * h1d5_ratio_CDND + 1 * h0d6_ratio_CDND
234        deuteration_CDND_error = np.sqrt((1/6 * h5d1_error_CDND)**2 + (2/6 * h4d2_error_CDND)**2 + (3/6 * h3d3_error_CDND)**2 + (4/6 * h2d4_error_CDND)**2 + (5/6 * h1d5_error_CDND)**2 + (1 * h0d6_error_CDND)**2)
236        protonation_CDND = 1 * h6d0_ratio_CDND + (5/6) * h5d1_ratio_CDND + (4/6) * h4d2_ratio_CDND + (3/6) * h3d3_ratio_CDND + (2/6) * h2d4_ratio_CDND + (1/6) * h1d5_ratio_CDND + 0 * h0d6_ratio_CDND
237        protonation_CDND_error = np.sqrt((1 * h6d0_error_CDND)**2 + (5/6 * h5d1_error_CDND)**2 + (4/6 * h4d2_error_CDND)**2 + (3/6 * h3d3_error_CDND)**2 + (2/6 * h2d4_error_CDND)**2 + (1/6 * h1d5_error_CDND)**2)
239        deuteration_CDND_amine = 0 * h3d3_ratio_CDND + (1/3) * h2d4_ratio_CDND + (2/3) * h1d5_ratio_CDND + 1 * h0d6_ratio_CDND
240        deuteration_CDND_amine_error = np.sqrt((1/3 * h2d4_error_CDND)**2 + (2/3 * h1d5_error_CDND)**2 + (1 * h0d6_error_CDND)**2)
242        protonation_CDND_amine = 1 * h3d3_ratio_CDND + (2/3) * h2d4_ratio_CDND + (1/3) * h1d5_ratio_CDND + 0 * h0d6_ratio_CDND
243        protonation_CDND_amine_error = np.sqrt((1 * h3d3_error_CDND)**2 + (2/3 * h2d4_error_CDND)**2 + (1/3 * h1d5_error_CDND)**2)
245    print()
246    if hasattr(ins, "plotting") and ins.plotting.legend != None:
247        print(f'Sample:  {ins.plotting.legend[df_index]}')
248    else:
249        print(f'Sample:  {ins.files[df_index]}')
250    print(f'Corrected baseline: {round(baseline,2)} +- {round(baseline_error,2)}')
251    if not run_total:
252        print(f"HHH {h6d0_limits}:  {round(h6d0_ratio,2)}  +-  {round(h6d0_error,2)}")
253        print(f"DHH {h5d1_limits}:  {round(h5d1_ratio,2)}  +-  {round(h5d1_error,2)}")
254        print(f"DDH {h4d2_limits}:  {round(h4d2_ratio,2)}  +-  {round(h4d2_error,2)}")
255        print(f"DDD {h3d3_limits}:  {round(h3d3_ratio,2)}  +-  {round(h3d3_error,2)}")
256        print(f"Amine deuteration:  {round(deuteration,2)}  +-  {round(deuteration_error,2)}")
257        print(f"Amine protonation:  {round(protonation,2)}  +-  {round(protonation_error,2)}")
258        print()
259        return f"{deuteration:.2f} +- {deuteration_error:.2f}"
260    else:
261        print(f"HHH-HHH {h6d0_limits}:  {round(h6d0_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h6d0_error_CDND,2)}")
262        print(f"DHH-HHH {h5d1_limits}:  {round(h5d1_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h5d1_error_CDND,2)}")
263        print(f"DDH-HHH {h4d2_limits}:  {round(h4d2_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h4d2_error_CDND,2)}")
264        print(f"DDD-HHH {h3d3_limits}:  {round(h3d3_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h3d3_error_CDND,2)}")
265        print(f"DDD-DHH {h2d4_limits}:  {round(h2d4_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h2d4_error_CDND,2)}")
266        print(f"DDD-DDH {h1d5_limits}:  {round(h1d5_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h1d5_error_CDND,2)}")
267        print(f"DDD-DDD {h0d6_limits}:  {round(h0d6_ratio_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(h0d6_error_CDND,2)}")
268        print(f"Total deuteration:  {round(deuteration_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(deuteration_CDND_error,2)}")
269        print(f"Total protonation:  {round(protonation_CDND,2)}  +-  {round(protonation_CDND_error,2)}")
270        print(f"Amine deuteration:  {round(deuteration_CDND_amine,2)}  +-  {round(deuteration_CDND_amine_error,2)}")
271        print(f"Amine protonation:  {round(protonation_CDND_amine,2)}  +-  {round(protonation_CDND_amine_error,2)}")
272        print()
273        return f"{deuteration_CDND_amine:.2f} +- {deuteration_CDND_amine_error:.2f} / {deuteration_CDND:.2f} +- {deuteration_CDND_error:.2f}"

Estimates CH$_3$NH$_3$PbI$_3$ deuteration by integrating the INS disrotatory peaks.

The INS disrotatory peaks of CH3NH3 appear at ~38 meV for the fully protonated sample. Note that peaks must be a dictionary with the peak limits and the baseline, as in the example below:

peaks = {
    'baseline' : None,
    'baseline_error' : None,
    'h6d0' : [41, 43],
    'h5d1' : [41, 43],
    'h4d2' : [41, 43],
    'h3d3' : [34.7, 37.3],
    'h2d4' : [31.0, 33.0],
    'h1d5' : [28.0, 30.5],
    'h0d6' : [26.5, 28.0],

Peak keywords required for selective deuteration (only C or only N): h6d0, h5d1, h4d2, h3d3.

Additional peak keywords required for total deuteration: h2d4, h1d5, h0d6.

If some peak is not present in your sample, just set the limits to a small baseline plateau.